Shooting Star

April 27, 2010

I wait patiently for the Shooting Star, it arrives early in February.  The Shooting Star is related to the   Cyclamen, (Dodecatheon Clevelandii) and the American Indians like to roast the leaves and roots to eat.   I have read this in flower books.  It has swipe back petals, starting in pink, Lavender, white and dark purple band at base and a yellow band edged, and what i call a pencil nose.   You will find in spare grass, banks with mosses,  near Oak trees, Madrone trees.  I will find them in with Fawn Lilly.   I walk from January to June, the trees are out with their mosses.  and the oak leaves on the ground are purple hues and lots of ferns.  They are very hard to photograph with Macro setting and not blur them.  I will find these flowers from Early Feb to mid March.